Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fix it or forget it!

I got a phone call a few days ago from Jim Weaver, K8JE, about my response to a questionnaire that the ARRL sends out to those who have let their membership lapse. Evidently my answers to the questions merited a call from a concerned ARRL member. Well, I pretty much told him that for me the ARRL was nothing more than a good ol' boys club ensconced in their spiffy headquarters in Newington, Connecticut playing with all of the latest multi-thousand dollar rigs. As for their publication, QST, putting aside the few articles about radio events and the construction of some pretty basic equipment it merely serves as a monthly catalog of amateur equipment. If I want a catalog I'll go online and download one for free. And while we're at it, their logging program, "Logbook of the World" is a first class joke. It doesn't even support the Contestia mode. As the old Russian proverb states, 'the fish rots from the head." As far as I am concerned the ARRL national headquarters needs a good housecleaning. One of their problems is that they are in a state of denial about the present state of amateur radio. For a great look at this state of affairs take a look at the blog at
The first thing that needs to be done is give the boot to K1ZZ and his minions. More about this in later posts...

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