Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And now for something completely different: below is a picture of one of my favorite rigs, the Tentec Century 22. This is a 20 watt, CW only rig that is a joy to operate. I had two of these rigs back in the late eighties then sold and traded them only to regret doing so. For the last dozen years or so I was on the look out for a used one. Tentec only made about 700 of these rigs.
This rig has a direct conversion receiver as opposed to the normal super-hetrodyne design. As a result you receive both sidebands and you need to offset your signal about 700Hz on either side to be able to be heard. It's trickly but the radio has the typical Tentec smooth keying circuitry which makes sending code a joy. I just picked up this rig and will make a few modifications to it. It presently has an analog cord-driven dial pointer. I will add a digital readout which will make keeping track of the frequency much easier. After all, over a period of years the dial cord stretches and makes finding the frequency a challenge.


marjannorm said...

G'day there Mark,
I noticed on your blog that you want to fit a digital readout onto the Century 22. So do I!! Can I pick your brains? I want to use a N3ZI unit, but to where do I attach it? Are the other displays (Doug Hendricks etc) better for the job? Any help would really REALLY be appreciated.
By the way, Marjorie and I live just out of McLaren Vale, South Australia, where vintage has already started and looks like being a great year. My fav tipple is a Semillon Sauvingnon blanc, Chalk Hill, Fox Creek or Peter Lehmann. (My youngest daughter is a wine maker & worked for Peter Lehmann!).
So, all the best and kind regards
Norm Lee VK5GI
Willunga South Australia

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,I would very much appreciate a permanent link on your blog-site to my QRP shortwave website.

Here’s a link to my QRP-website: www.stationqrp.com

Thank you very much in advance!
