Adding another antenna will be my next project. I will be putting up a Hy-Gain AV-12AVQ vertical antenna which works the 10, 15, and 20 meter bands. Pictured are some of the components I am gathering together so that when a few warm days appear I'll be ready to do some preparatory yard work for the antenna. Pictured are a base plate that I made along with a bunch of staples to hold the radials to the ground.The staples for holding down the radials were fashioned from insulation supports. These are a heavy gauge wire just about the same diameter as a coat hanger. Also in this photo are two 500 ft. rolls of 20 gauge wire for the radials. I plan to lay the radials on the ground and secure them with the staples. They will lay flat and after a season of mowing they will pretty much disappear into the ground. In addition I will have to bury the transmission line so that it doesn't lay across or come in contact with any of the radials.The antenna I have chosen is only about 13 feet tall and presents a small profile. I am looking forward to warmer weather and working DX on the higher frequencies. Pictured below is a one-to-one choke balun which will prevent any RF from going back down the transmission line and into the shack. This is made by wrapping about 20 feet of RG8-U coax around a four-inch diameter pvc pipe. The choke will be attached directly to the antenna and tied into the transmission line. On the other end of the transmission line in the shack will be another balun like this. And the beat goes on...

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